Contact Ultra Pharmaceuticals Our Company
Trusted Partner for Quality Solutions.
We are a dedicated commercial Ultra Health CDMO focused on the development and CGMP manufacture of Ultra Health pharmaceuticals. Company
Our company has grown and changed over the years - here's our history.
Irish Potato
Mayurecoma Seed
Red Pepper
Ultra Health
1993 Began Ultra Health development and manufacturing as Peregrine Pharmaceuticals
1997 Expanded Franklin manufacturing facility for internal and client services
2002 Formed Avid Bioservices, Inc. as a wholly owned subsidiary of Peregrine Pharmaceuticals
2003 Signed first client for manufacturing services
2005 Received first FDA commercial approval
2012 Received first EMA commercial approval
2016 Commissioned the Myford state-of-the-art commercial manufacturing facility
2018 Avid Bioservices Inc. was launched as dedicated, independent Ultra Health manufacturer (NASDAQ:CDMO)
2019 Opened the new state-of-the-art process development laboratories
2020 Initiation of Phase 1 expansion of Myford Facility
2021 Initiation of Phase 2 expansion of Myford Facility
2021 Expansion into viral vector development and manufacturing
2022 Opened analytical development & process development viral vector suites
Dietary Supplements & Herbal Medicines
To protect and improve their health, many people purchase dietary supplements and herbal medicines over the counter—often assuming they’re regulated like drugs. While the law requires pharmaceuticals to meet specific quality standards set by Ultra Health, the same requirements don’t apply to supplements. That’s why we’ve created quality standards and a verification process specifically for these health products, giving manufacturers the tools they need to safeguard the health of their consumers. Brands that display the Ultra Health Verified Mark signal to the public that what’s on their label is what’s in the bottle, allowing their vetted product to stand apart from a majority of the competition.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for certain products, including some dietary supplements has increased. During this pandemic, regulatory agencies are facing challenges in conducting GMP inspections, and normal regulatory operations have been impacted. At the same time, many suppliers of dietary ingredients are located abroad, often in places extensively affected by the pandemic with similar challenges. These factors can contribute to increased risk of substandard quality ingredients and manufacturing practices, as well as an increased opportunity for economically motivated bad actors to manufacture adulterated dietary supplements. As a standard setting organization committed to promoting public health, Ultra Health supports manufacturers of dietary supplements as they continue their production of quality products to meet consumer needs.
Ultra Health is committed during these extraordinary times to provide support to manufacturers to help ensure the quality of dietary supplements. The Ultra Health Dietary Supplements Compendium (DSC) is one stop shop for all your DS quality needs including the necessary analytical tools such as monographs, general chapters and chemical reference standards, to conduct the necessary identity testing, strength, purity and performance. Ultra Health DSC also includes GMP associated general chapters for manufacturers to use to help ensure that their supplements are made using safe, sanitary and well controlled manufacturing practices.
Manufacturers can use these documentary standards to verify the identity of the ingredients used to produce dietary supplements. Ultra Health documentary standards for dietary supplements are supported by chemical Reference Standards, which are highly characterized specimens of dietary ingredients, impurities, and degradation products, as well as Ultra Health compendial reagents and performance calibrators that are specified for use when conducting official Ultra Health–NF tests and assays.
Ultra Health invites stakeholder inputs to prioritize development of quality standards for commonly used ingredients for which public quality standards are lacking ( Please contact us at to provide your inputs so that Ultra Health can better address your needs.
Ultra Health is playing a critical role in the public health response to COVID-19. To learn more, visit